Listen to my silence gray....

Acacia:We've been friends for awhile maybe I think a year and a half. We have so much in common as far as many factors go. Our families, guys, and dealing with what this world throws in our face. I'm so happy that I'm her friend, and as long as I can control it she will be mine forever MUAHAHAH! Nah seriously she B da woman and I'll always be here for her when she needs me.I love hanging around her because she always seems to get my sense of humor, and she sometimes even catches the dumb things I do that I dont even realize is funny to begin with. I love that. Her sense of well being and everything she stands for is something that I will always admire. I dont know what I would do without her.
Shari: She is one of those people, that when you first meet them you know that there is something special about them. She has her own sense of style and a wonderful personality. She is a chick down for any and everything most of the time ;). I met Shari in dance class 2 years ago but then again she doesnt remember that so eh... we've been friends since the formation of our band. She's my dawg straight up.

Melissa has been my friend since 3rd grade. Despite what most people think she is my sista for life. No matter how different we are we always seem to be the same as in the way that we act when we are around each other. She knows me better than most people do, and although we dont get to hang out as much as we used to, she is still really close to me. I help her with her problems and vice-versa. I love her with all my heart <3

Amanda has been my friend a few years now, I've known her for a long time though. She is the coolest. We always have fun joking around and there is only one other thing I can say "look at my back!!" hahaha yeah shes great.

Stephen is one of the best people I have ever known. My very best guy friend and someone I can trust with any and everything. He is the one who listened when no one else would. Someone that didnt let my beliefs come between our friendship when I wasn't a christian. He is the coolest dude with a great sense of humor. He never makes me feel inferior, but always as an equal even though I haven't been a christian as long as he has. Always offers the best advice and I try to do the same in return although it doesnt always work....heh...

Charlie~*~ He is insanely talented and the craziest cat to chill with at anytime. I told him when I first met him I knew that he was going to make it in life, that was before I knew of everything he was capable of. Now that I know more about him, I just proved myself right.He has even talked about hooking my band up with show. He is my homie til death. Oh and btw shout out to his car, its my fiance! ;*)

Tallmanterry~*~Chris has been a friend of mine about 2 1/2 years now. He is an awesome drummer and the greatest, sweetest dude when it comes to helping me with my drama. I try to do the same in return but I just cant be as good as he is, at least I dont think I could possibly be there more for him than he is for me.

Ashleigh~*~She's has been my friend for 4 years. WOW, didnt realize it was that long since she was helping me pass english. I love chillin wit da ashes cause she laughs at everything, sometimes Im like uhh ashes thats not funny, she doesnt care she just keeps on laughin. She is sparkling beautiful inside and out. I love you ashleigh always will. I would like to take this time to tell you people that I missed Ashes Birthday party and I feel horrible. She means so much to me yet I dont show it enough to her, its sad and i feel like poo, hopefully she will forgive me.

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Dustin~*~yeah, hilarious! It's never a boring party when Dustin is there. Its so awesome that a guy like that can exist. He likes anime, dancing, and singing..... amung the fact that he likes the matrix too. You see the similarities?? I do. We've got a lot in common. My favorite thing about being with him is having hugging contests to see who lets go first. Makes me feel loved, I will always cherish that babe!
Jamie~*~ He has been me corn dog for a few years. I didnt really get close to him til this year... we took a break from friendship due to the fact we didnt have any classes together but we were friends freshman year in ELPS! yay! hehe... thats the reason mrs. allen hated me we were always goofing off. He lent me his baby guitar, I was like whoa! With that he gave me the gift of writing my first song, and I will always remember him for that.

Liz~*~I just met this chick a little while ago. I've always admired her talent and spiritual presence. I know that sounds wierd and stuff, but thats me. I think she is gorgegous and great to hang with
Jennifer~*~Shut up talking to me big head. You freak! get out of my room! nah jk jk. I love you girl. You keep me in line. I enjoy the fact that no matter how mad we get at each other in 15 minutes we start laughing and get right back to where we were. I will never forget the fact of everything that you have done for me. You helped me more than you will ever know. I can't believe you care so much for me. With everything that we give each other, there is no way that we can not be related. Who needs DNA to prove anything? We have something more, love!

Kayla Yo poser hows it going? People give you a lot of smack all the time and the fact that you can put up with it is beyond me. I have so much respect and love for you just because you can stand up and be like so what if you call me this and that I am better than you and I dont have to be immature about things. I love you babe
Jose You are the most awesome drummer I have seen for someone your age and I am so lucky to be in a band with you. I hope that each and everyday God will give you the guidance to stray from your old habits I love you bro!
Justin Its so great that I can come over to your house and feel like its home, takes a lot for me to get comfortable like that. You are always coming up with off the wall ideas that actually sound cool every once in a while.
Matt I havent known you that long but you are the sweetest guy. I hope that everything that you are going through works out smoothly.
Caroline Sweetie you are the most cutest thing ever! I love talking to you because you like to keep it real and you say whats on your mind. Your heart and soul are true and so is our friendship, you make our friendship one of the most positive i have.
Jonathan What can I say? I miss you so much since you have gone off to college. I pray that your band reaches out to people with your message and that you can touch someone who needs to find their way. You are so amazing in everything you do, excellent writer, drummer, and etc. Keep reaching for your goals you will recieve them.
Adrienne what is it now? 2 years?! WHOA the days go by. This chick is mad cool yo. She be like so talented and unique in her own way. I cant believe she is getting me to watch anime... ermm.. but yeah she introduces me to new things. Lets just say every day with Adrienne is an adventure to remember and a memory to treasure forever.
Joe G.I. Joe whaddya know? I am so happy that you are going through with what you have always wanted to do. I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors and happiness too. You will be missed when you are gone.
Laura wow, I love you so incredibly much. It is amazing that through all the ups and downs we are still there for each other. I guess it just shows how people grow and mature to forget about things that really dont matter in the long run. You are such a beautiful person inside and out.
Jourdan crazy guy, I love you so much! You besta work it baby! Such an amazing talent that is natural too. No one can deny it they want to be like you so sweet and nice!
Chris haha, I can not believe all it took was for me to introduce myself and we are actually really great friends now. We have talked inside and outside of church. It is always comforting to know that no matter what I wont have to sit by myself.

Korey: It is always great to hang out with you. You are such a wonderful person and most people dont know that. You are a great friend to me and I am greatful for that everyday. I don't know what I would do without you, you mean so much to me. :Hug:
Sadie & Sierra: You know I had to put you guys together. So crazy and fun to be around. Love you chicas.
Jesse: Whoa man, so awesome to have you as a friend. I am thankful that God has put you in my life. You are really one of my best friends if not the best one I have right now. hanging with you is so awesome, I've never really been able to sit down and read bible verses with my friends before, its something I am happy we do. Just remember I am soo much better than you at bowling and hacky sacking... and pool ;)
Brian: Good luck on getting your tattoos babe, they do look awesome btw I dunno if I told you that or not. I love your dry sense of humor its really cool. And I must admit you are extremely well at bowling :sigh: see ya!
Mark: Hey your that guy that works at Lowes woah! go you! You seem like a totally awesome guy. Just wanted to give you a hello!

Martha: hey chica, you have some cool style yo and you write awesome poetry. I am looking forward to watching you grow spiritually and talent wise. You are so totally awesome my love.
Jose: hola mi amor, coma estas? Yo quiero taco... LOL! esa broma.
Jake: Yes I finally updated my page. Holler at chu werd! Your a pretty cool cat, not so cool that you stole a piece of candy from me... :( heh but ill live, not like I needed it anyways... haha
Antonio: I hope that your guitar practicing is coming along well, i know im not the best of teachers but i try as best i can.
Billy: yay! you have the most beautiful shoes yay! i like your coat too. you make me happy when skies are gray, please dont take my sunshine away :(!
Chuck: You are the best hug giver in DA WHOLE WORLD!
John: i want your necklace back, now you phreak...well not really but i like it a lot.
Shane: Sup homie G?! you rock, a great personality and sense of humor much more to say? i think not.

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